This past weekend, we seized the opportunity to spend the whole afternoon outside and cover new ground. And we discovered an outing that I'd highly recommend when you're ready to emerge from hibernation, too.
The Girl Scouts, Hornets Nest Council Trail is located in Statesville, NC, about 45 minutes north of uptown. This natural surface, 2.2-mile (one way), out-and-back trail, a segment of the Carolina Thread Trail, is nestled in a 359-acre conservation easement and hugs the banks of the South Yadkin River.
How to get there:
The Girl Scouts, Hornets Nest Council Trail trailhead is located in a gravel lot off US 21-N near (but not at!) 1763 Turnersburg Hwy, Statesville, NC 28625. From I-77 N, take exit 54. Turn right onto US 21-N and go approximately 3.5 miles. There's a designated gravel parking area, marked with a Carolina Thread Trail sign and map kiosk here.
The Girl Scouts, Hornets Nest Council Trail is located in Statesville, NC, about 45 minutes north of uptown. This natural surface, 2.2-mile (one way), out-and-back trail, a segment of the Carolina Thread Trail, is nestled in a 359-acre conservation easement and hugs the banks of the South Yadkin River.
It's quiet, peaceful and perfect for all ages and skill levels. The trail is hard-packed dirt, making it a great option for beginner mountain bikers. Wide, winding and not-very-crowded, we also found it to be good for running the dog.
The trail begins with a handful of moderate hills, but flattens to gently rolling for most of the rest. It's well marked with CTT blazes, there are a few footbridges throughout, and you'll find a rocky knoll overlooking the river at the turnaround point (helpfully marked with a "End of Trail" sign).
What I enjoyed most (besides the sun on my back!) was the immersive nature experience -- lots of frogs chirping, birds fluttering, and the river bubbling gently by. Ahhh. Yes, please and thank you.
Note: The trailhead parking listed on the Carolina Thread Trail page gets you close, but not exactly to the lot. There's a designated gravel parking area, marked with a Carolina Thread Trail sign and map kiosk here.
Note: The trailhead parking listed on the Carolina Thread Trail page gets you close, but not exactly to the lot. There's a designated gravel parking area, marked with a Carolina Thread Trail sign and map kiosk here.
The Girl Scouts, Hornets Nest Council Trail trailhead is located in a gravel lot off US 21-N near (but not at!) 1763 Turnersburg Hwy, Statesville, NC 28625. From I-77 N, take exit 54. Turn right onto US 21-N and go approximately 3.5 miles. There's a designated gravel parking area, marked with a Carolina Thread Trail sign and map kiosk here.
Don't forget to pack:
- Comfortable walking shoes
- Water and snacks
- Bikes and helmets
- Sunscreen, hats and sunglasses
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